When I got to YFF, I found Jess. I had two choices of horses to ride. “Versa, or Ashby?” Jessica asked me. “Ashby,” I answered. I tacked up the chestnut arabian, quickly noticing her spunk. My friend Danielle runs in with Phoenix, they seem out of breath. They tell us how they can’t seem to bring Moon and Quiz in and how the horses completely freaked out when they were indoor. “Meet us in the indoor arena,” Jess says to me, following the girls to attempt to bring the crazy horses in.
I’m in the arena. Ash was impatient, so I had to walk her in circles before she got bored to death. Finally, I heard laughing, and turned around to see my instructor, Danielle and Phoenix. Suddenly, Jess approaches me and the girls go outside to try again. I mount, then we start trotting.
We trotted for a while, then we got the lunge line and worked on it a tiny bit more. Cantering time! The first time, Ashby’s canter was fun and bouncy. I expected the second time to be too. Though it was jumpy and off balance. My left foot slid out of the stirrup and my body crashed sideways, causing me to almost fall. But I held onto Ash’s mane and luckily halted. I fixed my stirrup, and my heart was beating cautiously. Whoa.
With my body shaking, I was brave enough to canter again. That time went a lot smoother. More trotting, more cantering. Jess and I began talking about the new horse, Helen. “Maybe you can ride her next week if you want,” Jess says. Then, I dismount. I bring Ashby into the cross-ties and I see Twist being tacked up by a girl and her mother. All of a sudden, I look up from grooming Ash and see a white pony and a dark bay horse nearly galloping out of the driveway. My heart is pounding and Twist’s ears shoot up, he lets out a loud “neigh”.
That makes the girl and her mom jump. Jess runs in and we tell her what we saw. Running horses. Close to the street. Phoenix and Danielle burst in, their faces bright red. Jess and the girls grab leads and grain and anything that will help get the wild horses’ attention. And then they’re gone. Trying to save two young horses lives.
The girl’s mom goes outside, telling us to stay. “Hey. I’m Laila,” I say. “I’m Gabby,” the girl says back. We start talking about how nervous we are. Her mom brings Twist into the arena, leaving me and Gabby walking along slowly. Twist is acting up. Trying to bite her mom, kick, do whatever he can to get out of working western. “My mom is here,” I tell Gabby. “I’ll be right back.” I ask my mom if I can stay a little longer just incase they find Moon and Quiz, and she says yes. “Twist just reared,” Gabby tells me. “Today is such a crazy day!” I say in my head.
Gabby and I talk a lot about horses and random stuff when Hannah walks in, riding Elly. I wave, nervously. While Twist is being calm for the moment, Gabby’s mom steps on to warm him up, daringly. Gabby and I are bored, so we decide to make a barn tour video. Something that will get the disappearance of Moon and Quiz off of our minds.
We take a peek at the new horse, Helen. The gorgeous, small, buckskin mare is perfect. It was extraordinary to know that Jess bought her off an online auction. She was stunning. I am psyched to probably be riding her next week. We go back into the arena and then see Jess, and run back out. “Did you get them?” We ask in unison. She didn’t, and had to call the police. “They are near the power line. We got really close to them with the grain, but they ran,” Jess says. I sigh, still hoping for the best.
“I got to go,” I tell Gabby. “Hope I’ll see you next week sometime. We can hang out with the horses.” “Yeah. Bye,” Gabby says. My mom and I pass Jess, and I yell out the window, “Hope you find them!”
Moon and Quiz were found shortly after they ran. It took effort to get them, and lots of help. But what matters is that they are safe, and dry. And hopefully they are calm. Those two have been really odd lately!
-This Is My Life
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Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Imagine (Expressive Poem)
I remember when you were younger,
you could talk to your imaginary friends
and they would talk back.
you would pretend that your Barbie dolls were sisters
just like us.
you said you could read me a story
so you read what you thought
and I think you made the book a
you had the power to imagine
and you taught me
how to imagine too
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Horses Matter

Horses- Not just a piece of paper
My message to Slaughterers:
Why do you do this? You really want them to die? Or do you do this for the money? It will never be a career. Are you proud that you are killing horses? You are a horse slaughterer. Your job, which is watching yourself kill these wonderful animals, is so cruel. What if a little girl sold that horse, the one you just killed, and thought it would go to a good family? Apparently you slaughterers like seeing each beautiful animal getting shot in the head and dying, right? Well that is what a slaughterer is meant to do.
This has to come to an end
People need to stop sending horses to Slaughter Houses. If more people help boycott it, the US and parts of the world wouldn’t have enough money to keep them up and running. But now guess what? Horse slaughtering in the US is legal. So for now they can send any horse they want to a Slaughter House with absolutely no worries of being caught. I’m sure they’re proud. Seriously though? You can’t sell your horse to a friend or even a local SPCA? Is it really that hard? Does it have to be the Slaughter house? Well if you choose that, think about all the great times you had with that horse. Even if every moment wasn’t amazing, no horse deserves to be slaughtered. Can you even think of that? Full grown mares. Beautiful stallions. Foals. Can you just see a foal getting slaughtered? I mean they’re so little. So young. So hopeless. And they die… What for?
Did you know that horses could go extinct due to many of them being slaughtered? That’s how bad horse slaughtering is. Happiness from the past turns into certain death, on the short distance of only one trailer ride. In fact, what are some main reasons horses these days are getting sent to slaughter houses?
- Bad behavior ( rearing, bucking, kicking, biting, etc.)
- Owner doesn’t like horses anymore
- Cannot afford to use proper care on the animal
- Got a new horse
- For fun ( which is probably the WORST reason)
- The money
- The horse made a few mistakes
Horse? Food? No thanks.
In 2008, the number of horses that year sent to slaughter houses in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico was about 50,000! Soon enough the beautiful animals turned into dinner for people in Europe and Japan. Why are we slaughtering horses to feed to the people throughout Europe and Japan? They can feed themselves. But if we stopped slaughtering horses in America, Europe and Japan would STILL be able to slaughter horses, right? The poor horses. Can you imagine eating a horse? Well hundreds of horses get slaughtered and eaten each year. I wish horse slaughtering could be illegal in the whole world!
Wild Horses
Wild horses. They’re not trained, they’re not used to human contact, and they’re definitely not meant to be slaughtered. Wild horses are, wild. Its like a whole bunch of men killing lots of our amazing wild animals. It’s not right. Killing our companion horses is horrible, but also killing the ones that are supposed to live free in the wild is just above and beyond bad. These horses seem to be no threat to humans, except maybe when they force them to come with them to the slaughter house. It's like kidnapping. Taking a horse away from where it's grown up. Where it belongs.
Slaughter House Better?
Some people say that sending horses to slaughter houses is the best thing to do. Well that is not true because the big, miserable, animal killing buildings are even torturous inside. Also the horse meat gets packaged up, and sent to someplace weird, to "keep the meat fresh". Slaughter houses are horrid places. If I could stop people from sending horses to slaughter, I obviously would. I love horses, and I know that life doesn't have to end for them by the thought of one decision.
Think for a second. What if you were the innocent horse getting slaughtered because you messed up in a show? Exactly. Imagine us humans getting slaughtered for one mistake! Everybody makes mistakes and more people need to realize that. Slaughterers need to know that what they’re doing isn’t just some funny game. Its reality!
Just let it end already!
Once horse slaughtering becomes illegal again in the US, many people will be able to take a breath, knowing horses are safe from slaughter. Hopefully everyone who cares will join in to cure this awful thing. Then maybe it will be easier for places like Mexico and Europe to end it as well. Like I said before, everyone makes mistakes, but once you send your horse to the slaughter house, you will never be forgiven. Think before you do something. Really. Think.
Can you feel the pain?
Check out Declan’s fight to save horses from slaughter! http://children4horses.blogspot.com/ Also go to http://www.savingamericashorses.org/ to donate, subscribe and support to help our amazing creatures.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
-My Mario Experience
He immediately charges at me. It fells like I'm going to fall backwards, and my heart is racing! Looking at the sight of the GIANT black dog, I somehow find myself trying to reach him. Finally, he gets a hold of my sleeve. I hear Lauren and Serina screaming and laughing, and I'm laughing too. Suddenly I see Lauren and Serina trying to get Mario away, but he ends up trying to get them! He's is really cute! He's got major muscles and it seems like he's five times bigger than the rest of us! He lets go of my sleeve every two seconds, then grabs it again with his ginormous mouth. I'm laughing so hard that my chest begins to ache. Mario lets go of my sleeve, eager to get Lauren and Serina. Lauren grabs a small stick and throws it toward Mario but he doesn't budge. Pointing to a line of exact invisibility, Lauren says, "There is an invisible fence. If we run between those trees he can't get us." So me and Serina listen to Lauren, but Mario's teeth are grasped to my sleeve so I can't go without him stuck to me.
I make it between the trees only to find Mario still attached to my jacket. He's panting so loud. And I'm breathing so hard. Lauren and Serina are now in Lauren's driveway. Mario's teeth are still clenched to me. I finally did it! I made it into Lauren's driveway but the electric/invisible fence didn't kick in. So I'm left hostage with Mario while Lauren gets her mom to get Mario away. My sleeve is wet with the dog's spit. Once Mario is back in Lauren's cousins driveway, I take deep breaths. I'm so tired and I'm ready to just fall asleep in laughter. I see Mario back in they're yard and say, "Love you Mario." Like I would love him after he gave me a heart attack. The day ended in a fun way. I found myself begging Lauren and Serina to go back and see Mario. They had the same response, "No!"
Friday, February 10, 2012
-The Father Daughter Dance
Friday night was the father daughter dance. Future fun filled the room of few people. My friend Lucy appears out of nowhere. "Hi!" She says as she hugs me. I say hi, then we began to dance and sing, until our friends come. Soon Ella and Lauren are there. Ella, Lucy, and I come up with the idea to take a picture of me and Ella holding Lucy. We made the picture complete with our hilarious faces and mouths filled with unstoppable laughter. Ella wanted a certain song, Misery, to play. We were all screaming with joy when it finally played. Ella, Lauren, Lucy and I were jumping, screaming, singing, dancing, and running all over place, stopping only for a quick cupcake, that we deserved. A slow song comes on. We take our dads hands and dance. When the slow song is done, we go back to our tradition; having the time of our lives. Soon Ella left, and we were sad to see her go home. But Lauren, Lucy and I, kept having fun...
Lauren and I visited Eliana for a second, and she has the coolest yet weirdest voice ever. I know that she has a helium voice. Eliana and I go to to Lucy, and we immediately attempt to get the extremely high and squeaky voices. Finally, me and Lucy get the helium voices. Though they end in a minute's time, they were really fun! Lucy and I ran to Lauren, speechless about our voices. I tried to help Lauren get the helium voice, but there were no more balloons left that had helium in them. Then Lucy, Lauren and I talk about horses and gymnastics while a boring song plays. My sister Victoria gives me a Lindt chocolate. Lucy and Lauren both want it, so I throw it and whoever gets it, gets it. Lucy got it, bragging as she placed the milky chocolate into her mouth. Victoria gives Lauren a chocolate after, and she was then satisfied. I run to the bathroom, with Lucy clinging to my arms. She's wearing the earrings I bought her! The blue peace sign earrings dangle in the light. Lauren peeks through the door, and we realize that the dance is almost done. Its the last slow song, so we continue to dance with our dads.
The two hours are almost done, and our great time is fading away. Lucy is ready to go, and me and Lauren don't want her to say bye. She hugs us again, then walks outside, and leaves. Me and Lauren dance to the last song, Set Fire To The Rain, and slowly say good-bye to each other. Tonight was super fun! I can't wait until next year!
Lauren and I visited Eliana for a second, and she has the coolest yet weirdest voice ever. I know that she has a helium voice. Eliana and I go to to Lucy, and we immediately attempt to get the extremely high and squeaky voices. Finally, me and Lucy get the helium voices. Though they end in a minute's time, they were really fun! Lucy and I ran to Lauren, speechless about our voices. I tried to help Lauren get the helium voice, but there were no more balloons left that had helium in them. Then Lucy, Lauren and I talk about horses and gymnastics while a boring song plays. My sister Victoria gives me a Lindt chocolate. Lucy and Lauren both want it, so I throw it and whoever gets it, gets it. Lucy got it, bragging as she placed the milky chocolate into her mouth. Victoria gives Lauren a chocolate after, and she was then satisfied. I run to the bathroom, with Lucy clinging to my arms. She's wearing the earrings I bought her! The blue peace sign earrings dangle in the light. Lauren peeks through the door, and we realize that the dance is almost done. Its the last slow song, so we continue to dance with our dads.
The two hours are almost done, and our great time is fading away. Lucy is ready to go, and me and Lauren don't want her to say bye. She hugs us again, then walks outside, and leaves. Me and Lauren dance to the last song, Set Fire To The Rain, and slowly say good-bye to each other. Tonight was super fun! I can't wait until next year!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
-Two Poems About Slaughter
It took me a month to write this poem, and it means a lot to me :) Its from the horses point of view and its called, "Why."
You never tell me you love me anymore.
A few days later you close the trailer door.
Didn't even bother to tell me goodbye.
What's going to happen, am I going to die?
A place, so scary, what will happen here?
I miss you, I need you, why aren't you near?
I see it happen so I finally know.
It's almost my turn to go.
I feel the bullet rush through my face.
I'm sorry I was such a disgrace.
But why? Why?
Why did you want me to die?
I'm finally free, from the pain and the stress.
Now I am gone, and there is one horse less.
Here's another poem I wrote:
We were best friends.
Our moments could never end.
But there was that show one day.
A bright, sunny day in May.
We were on top, so close to first place.
The blue ribbon was something we both had to chase.
The last jump, rather tall.
I'm very sorry, I let you fall.
You screamed at me, and slapped me with a crop.
I couldn't help it, but I needed you to stop.
So I reared, way up high.
And your last word was goodbye.
The nasty trailers you led me to.
All I could think about was you.
You sent me miles away.
Though I wanted to stay.
Where we finally arrived was a mystery.
The place was big, as I could see.
Would it be my new home, or was it a lie?
Would we stay happy, or would we just die?
I hear a bullet, and see him fall.
The only friend, I'd made at all.
"This guy's a real champion." I hear them say to me.
Does that mean that they will set me free?
I hear the door burst open, and I see your face.
You have come to save me, to take me away.
But its already too late.
The men don't care to wait.
I fall down to the ground, silently waiting for my heart to flicker off.
And I hear you cry, your tears sound so soft.
The last three words I hear, were they really true?
You fight all the tears and pain to say, "I love you."
Stop sending horses to slaughter!
We were best friends.
Our moments could never end.
But there was that show one day.
A bright, sunny day in May.
We were on top, so close to first place.
The blue ribbon was something we both had to chase.
The last jump, rather tall.
I'm very sorry, I let you fall.
You screamed at me, and slapped me with a crop.
I couldn't help it, but I needed you to stop.
So I reared, way up high.
And your last word was goodbye.
The nasty trailers you led me to.
All I could think about was you.
You sent me miles away.
Though I wanted to stay.
Where we finally arrived was a mystery.
The place was big, as I could see.
Would it be my new home, or was it a lie?
Would we stay happy, or would we just die?
I hear a bullet, and see him fall.
The only friend, I'd made at all.
"This guy's a real champion." I hear them say to me.
Does that mean that they will set me free?
I hear the door burst open, and I see your face.
You have come to save me, to take me away.
But its already too late.
The men don't care to wait.
I fall down to the ground, silently waiting for my heart to flicker off.
And I hear you cry, your tears sound so soft.
The last three words I hear, were they really true?
You fight all the tears and pain to say, "I love you."
Stop sending horses to slaughter!
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