When I got to YFF, I found Jess. I had two choices of horses to ride. “Versa, or Ashby?” Jessica asked me. “Ashby,” I answered. I tacked up the chestnut arabian, quickly noticing her spunk. My friend Danielle runs in with Phoenix, they seem out of breath. They tell us how they can’t seem to bring Moon and Quiz in and how the horses completely freaked out when they were indoor. “Meet us in the indoor arena,” Jess says to me, following the girls to attempt to bring the crazy horses in.
I’m in the arena. Ash was impatient, so I had to walk her in circles before she got bored to death. Finally, I heard laughing, and turned around to see my instructor, Danielle and Phoenix. Suddenly, Jess approaches me and the girls go outside to try again. I mount, then we start trotting.
We trotted for a while, then we got the lunge line and worked on it a tiny bit more. Cantering time! The first time, Ashby’s canter was fun and bouncy. I expected the second time to be too. Though it was jumpy and off balance. My left foot slid out of the stirrup and my body crashed sideways, causing me to almost fall. But I held onto Ash’s mane and luckily halted. I fixed my stirrup, and my heart was beating cautiously. Whoa.
With my body shaking, I was brave enough to canter again. That time went a lot smoother. More trotting, more cantering. Jess and I began talking about the new horse, Helen. “Maybe you can ride her next week if you want,” Jess says. Then, I dismount. I bring Ashby into the cross-ties and I see Twist being tacked up by a girl and her mother. All of a sudden, I look up from grooming Ash and see a white pony and a dark bay horse nearly galloping out of the driveway. My heart is pounding and Twist’s ears shoot up, he lets out a loud “neigh”.
That makes the girl and her mom jump. Jess runs in and we tell her what we saw. Running horses. Close to the street. Phoenix and Danielle burst in, their faces bright red. Jess and the girls grab leads and grain and anything that will help get the wild horses’ attention. And then they’re gone. Trying to save two young horses lives.
The girl’s mom goes outside, telling us to stay. “Hey. I’m Laila,” I say. “I’m Gabby,” the girl says back. We start talking about how nervous we are. Her mom brings Twist into the arena, leaving me and Gabby walking along slowly. Twist is acting up. Trying to bite her mom, kick, do whatever he can to get out of working western. “My mom is here,” I tell Gabby. “I’ll be right back.” I ask my mom if I can stay a little longer just incase they find Moon and Quiz, and she says yes. “Twist just reared,” Gabby tells me. “Today is such a crazy day!” I say in my head.
Gabby and I talk a lot about horses and random stuff when Hannah walks in, riding Elly. I wave, nervously. While Twist is being calm for the moment, Gabby’s mom steps on to warm him up, daringly. Gabby and I are bored, so we decide to make a barn tour video. Something that will get the disappearance of Moon and Quiz off of our minds.
We take a peek at the new horse, Helen. The gorgeous, small, buckskin mare is perfect. It was extraordinary to know that Jess bought her off an online auction. She was stunning. I am psyched to probably be riding her next week. We go back into the arena and then see Jess, and run back out. “Did you get them?” We ask in unison. She didn’t, and had to call the police. “They are near the power line. We got really close to them with the grain, but they ran,” Jess says. I sigh, still hoping for the best.
“I got to go,” I tell Gabby. “Hope I’ll see you next week sometime. We can hang out with the horses.” “Yeah. Bye,” Gabby says. My mom and I pass Jess, and I yell out the window, “Hope you find them!”
Moon and Quiz were found shortly after they ran. It took effort to get them, and lots of help. But what matters is that they are safe, and dry. And hopefully they are calm. Those two have been really odd lately!
Great details. I'm glad you met Gabby. If you had to revise this piece and select a narrow main idea, what would it be?